Proceedings of the fourth international congress of biochemistry / Vienna, 1-6 September 1958 - London: Pergamon Press, 1959

Vol. 1 (Carbohydrate chemistry of suvbstances of biological interest); xii, 206p.
Vol. 2 (Biochemistry of wood); xi, 285p.
Vol. 3 (Biochemistry of the central nervous system); xi, 324p.
Vol. 4 (Biochemistry of steroids); xi, 296p.
Vol. 5 (Biochemistry of antibiotics); xii, 239p.
Vol. 6 (Biochemistry of morphogenesis); xii, 260p.
Vol. 7 (Biochemistry of viruses); xi, 255p.
Vol. 9 (Physical chemistry of high polymers of biological interest); xii, 260p.
Vol. 10 (Blood clotting factors); xi, 254p.
Vol. 11 (Vitamin metabolism); xiii, 373p.
Vol. 12 (Biochemistry of insects); xviii, 252p.
Vol. 13 (Colloquia); xiv, 474p.
Vol. 14 (Transactions of the plenary sessions); xii, 299p.


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