Froehlich/Kent encyclopedia of telecommunications - New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1991

Vol. 1 (Access charges in the...); 0-8247-2900-5; x, 538p.
Vol. 3 (Codes for the prevention...); 0-8247-2902-1; iv, 500p.
Vol. 5 (Crystal and ceramic filters...); 0-8247-2903-X; vi, 508p.
Vol. 4 (Communications human factors...); 0-8247-2978-7; vi, 517p.
Vol. 7 (Electronic filters: fundamentals..); 0-8247-2905-6; v, 488p.
Vol. 9 (IEEE 802.3 and Ethernet...); 0-8247-2907-2; vi, 519p.
Vol. 10 (Introduction to computer...); 0-8247-2908-0; vi, 492p.
Vol. 11 (Microwave communications...); 0-8247-2909-9; vii, 531p.
Vol. 12 (Modernization of telecommunication in central...); 0-8247-2910-2; vii, 503p.
Vol. 14 (Nyquist , harry to queueing ...); 0-8247-2912-9; viii, 472pVol. 15 (Radio astronomy to submarine...); 0-8247-2913-7; vii, 514p.
Vol. 16 (Subcriber loop signaling to ...); 0-8247-2914-5; vi, 483p.
Vol. 17 (Television technology to wire...); 0-8247-2915-3; vi, 309p.
Vol. 18 (Wireless multiple access...); 0-8247-2916-1; v, 341p.



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