
Metals handbook

Metals handbook - 9th ed. - Ohio: American Society for Metals, 1978

Vol. 1 (Properties and selection: Irons and steels); xxi, 793p.
Vol. 2 (Properties and selection: Nonferrous alloys and pure metals); xiii, 855p.
Vol. 3 (Properties and selection: Stainless steels, tool materials and special -pupose metals);xiii, 882p.
Vol. 4 (Heat treating); xix, 826p.
Vol. 5 (Surface cleaning, finishing and coating); xvii, 715p.
Vol. 6 (Welding, brazing and soldering); xvii, 1152p.
Vol. 9 (Metallography and microstructures); xv, 775p.
Vol. 8 (Mechanical testing); xiv, 778p.
Vol. 10(Materials charaterization); xi, 761p.
Vol. 11 (Failure analysis and prevention); xi, 843p.
Vol. 12 (Fractography); xiii, 517p.
Vol. 13(Corrosion); xv, 1415p.
Vol. 14 (Forming and forging); xii, 978p.
Vol. 15 (Casting); vii, 937p.
Vol. 16 (Machining); xi, 944p.
Vol. 17 (Nondestructive evaluation and quality control); xi, 795p.

Chemical Technology


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