
Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design

Encyclopedia of chemical processing and design - New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1994

Vol. 1 (Abrasives to acrylonitrile); 0-8247-2451-8; xiii, 472p.
Vol. 2 (Additives to alpha); 0-8247-2452-6; xi, 498p.
Vol. 3 (Aluminum to asphalt, design); 0-8247-2453-4; xii, 493p.
Vol. 4 (Asphalt emulsion to blending); 0-8247-2454-2; xii, 491p.
Vol. 5 (Blowers to calcination); 0-8247-2455-0; xii, 494p.
Vol. 6 (Calcination equipment to catalysis); 0-8247-2456-9; xii, 490p.
Vol. 7 (Catalyst carriers to chloralkali); 0-8247-2457-7; xii, 500p.
Vol. 8 (Chlorinted solvents toc coal ); 0-8247-2472; xii, 507p.
Vol. 9 (Coal to cobalt); 0-8247-2459-3; xii, 481p.
Vol. 10 (Coking to computer); 0-8247-2460-7; xi, 447p.
Vol. 11 ( Computer aided process analysis to copyright); 0-8247-2461-2; xi, 500p.
Vol. 12 (Corrosion to cottonseed); 0-8247-2462-3; 391p.
Vol. 13 (Cracking, catalytic to crystalization); 0-8247-2463-1; xi, 506p.
Vol. 14 (Crystalization, nucleation systems to design... );0-8247-2464-X; xii, 483p.
Vol. 15 (Design of experiments to diffusion...); 0-8247-2465-8; xi, 471p.
Vol. 16 (Dimensional analysis to drying of fluids...); 0-8247-2466-6; xi, 442p.
Vol. 17 (Drying, solids to electrostatic hazards); 0-8247-2467-4; xii, 468p.
Vol. 16 (Dimensional analysis to drying of fluids...); 0-8247-2466-6; xi, 442p.
Vol. 18 (Electrostatic hazards....); 0-8247-2468-2; xiv, 494p.
Vol. 19 (Emergy costing thermal electric);0-8247-2469-0; xii, 462p.
Vol. 20 (Ethanol as fuel: Options, advantages and disadvantages...); 0-8247-2470-4; xii, 502p.
Vol. 21 (Expanders to finned tubes... ); 0-8247-2471-2; xii, 506p.
Vol. 22 (Fire extinguishing chemicals to fluid flow, slurry systems and pipelines); 0-8247-2472-0xii, 419p.
Vol. 23 (Fluid flow, two-phase design to froth flotation); 0-8247-2473-9; xii, 508p.
Vol. 24 (Fuel cells to gravel and sand supply - demand relationships);0-8247-2474-7,xvi, 498p.
Vol. 25 (Gravity sedimentation operation to heat...); 0-8247-2475-5; xii, 488p.
Vol. 29 (Maintenance management to methanol...); 0-8247-2479-8; xvii, 508p.
Vol. 35 (Petroleum fractions properties...); 0-8247-2485-2; xix, 513p.
Vol. 40 (Polymers, polyamides, aromatic to polymers...); 0-8247-2490-9; xvii, 492p.
Vol. 41 (Polymers, rubber modified to pressures..); 0-8247-2491-7; xvii, 512p.
Vol. 42 (Pressure- relieving devices rupture disks...); ; 0-8247-2492-5; xvii, 504p.
Vol. 47 (Reboilers, selection and sample...); ; 0-8247-2497-6; xix, 506p.

Chemical technology

Chemical processing

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