
Sharing the sun: Solar technology in the seventies

Sharing the sun: Solar technology in the seventies / Joint conference, American Section, International Solar Energy Society and Solar Energy Society of Canada, inc., August 15-20, 1976, Winnipeg - Winnipeg: American Section of the International Solar Energy Society, 1976

Vol. 1 (International and U.S. programs, solar flux); x, 384p.
Vol. 2 (Solar collectors); x, 387p.
Vol. 3 (Solar heating and cooling of buildings); x, 405p.
Vol. 4 (Solar systems, simulation, design); x, 424p.
Vol. 5 (Solar thermal and ocean thermal); xi, 548p.
Vol. 6 (Photovoltaics and materials); x, 348p.
Vol. 7 (Agriculture, biomass, wind, new developments); x, 391p.
Vol. 8 (Storage, water heater, data communication education); x, 371p.
Vol. 9 (Socio-economics and cultural); x, 304p.
Vol. 10 (Business, commercial, poster session, miscellaneous); x, 269p.

