
Encyclopedia Americana: The international reference work

Encyclopedia Americana: The international reference work / Americana Corporation - New York: Americana Corporation, 1963

Vol. 1 (A to Annuals); xlix, 723p.
Vol. 2 (Annuity to Azzubeydi); 695p.
Vol. 3 (B to Bird's) 739p.
Vol. 4 (Birds of paradise to bulfinch); 722p.
Vol. 5 (Bulgaria to castanos); 715p.
Vol. 6 (Caste to civil law); 734p.
Vol. 7 (Civil list to coronium); 722p.
Vol. 8 (Corot to deseronto); 720p.
Vol. 9 (Desert to Egret); 732p.
Vol. 10 (Egusquiza to falsetto); 737p.
Vol. 11 (Falstaff to Francken); 762p.
Vol. 12 (Franco to goethals); 752p.
Vol. 13 (Goethe to haw);
Vol. 14 (Hawaii to index of refreaction); 763p.
Vol. 15 (India to jeffers); 772p.
Vol. 16 (Jefferson), charles E to Latin); 785p.
Vol. 17 (Latin america to Lytton); 894p.
Vol. 18 (M to Mexico city); 837p.
Vol. 19 (Meyer to naval rank); 808p.
Vol. 20 (Naval reserve to orleans); 873p.
Vol. 21 (Orley to photographic telescope); 800p.
Vol. 22 (Photography to pumpkin); 810p.
Vol. 23 (Pumps to russeliville); 792
Vol. 24 (russia to silius); 824p.
Vol. 25 (Silk to sulphovinic acid); 824p.
Vol. 26 (sulphur to tramways, aerial); 761p.
Vol. 27 ( Trance to venial sin); 736p.
Vol. 28 (Venice to wilmet, John); 806p.
Vol. 29 (Wilmot provide to zygote); 827p.
Vol. 30 (Index); 962p

Reference Work


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